The goverment _1.__ has pulled __ down a lot of them and buit new public housing estates instead.The new estate__2 have__ bigger flats and more parks. Besides the goverment _3._has built__ new public housing estates in Tuen Mun, Shatin and Tai Po, too. 1.點解第二題用現在式??
因為 The new estate havebigger flats 是一個事實。 1.不是過去式,是現在完成式(present perfect tense;中文不肯定是不是這樣)。用現在完成式是因為至今仍在進行,並對現在有影響。 若認為會繼續的話,就不會用現在完成式,而是Present Perfect Continous Tense (不知道中文是甚麼)。 Subject have / has / had / will have been present participle of the verb. (用had是 Past Perfect Continous Tense;用will have 是Future Perfect Continous Tense) 即: I have been being the chairperson of the Fellowship for 2 years. 即我已擔任了團契團長兩年,未來仍然會擔任。 推薦一個網給你: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/siu82english 2008-08-21 15:06:41 補充: The goverment has pulled down a lot of them (不應用them,前文沒有題過) and buit (built,灟了l) new public housing estates instead.The new estate (+s) have bigger flats and more parks. Besides(+,) the goverment has built new public housing estates in Tuen Mun, Shatin and Tai Po, too.
The government has pulled down a lot of them (old housing estates) 係指現時政府一直都有清拆舊式屋邨,has pulled 係present perfect tense, 既係從過去開始拆,而家都仲未拆完,將來都唔知幾時會完,所以就用present perfect tense。注意,所以has pulled 既 has 係 present tense,而pulled 不是過去式,只是過去分詞。情況就好似 I HAVE LIVED here for five years。 所以第二句都係應該用現在式,因為新落成既屋邨都係而家呢一刻存在既,你係呢一刻講d而家存在既野就梗用present tense 啦!不過應該係 HAS而唔係HAVE,因為現在式第三身單數加S。 正確應該係咁︰ The new estate HAS bigger flats and more parks. OR The new estateS HAVE bigger flats and more parks. 唔明再問啦!|||||因為個屋宇係有大單位同多D公園, 係一直都有, E家座樓仲起度, 所以唔會用過去式, 就用現在式啦..