





致人事部, 製作公司ABC production 於 10/9邀請本人参與29/9之拍攝工作,因拍攝工作涉及公司商業活動和收取拍攝酬金,因此,現向公司人事部書面申請拍攝工作及申報利益


Attn: Human Resources Management Team To Whom It May Concern, Further to the invitation of 10 September 2008 from the Production House "ABC Production" inviting me to participate in the video-recording to be held on 29 September 2008, I, hereby, apply for the approval of participation and declare, in consideration of the conflict with the commercial activities of company and the conflict of interests, the amount of remuneration of participation to be acquired.


To: Human Resources & Adminstration Department Re: Application for a part time job This letter serves to inform our company of the captioned matter. On 10 September, ABC Production Company invited me to participate in a shooting job fixed on 29 Sept. The said job shall be for commercial purposes and I am entitled to have income for it. As such, I am pleased to make a written application for the said job and inform the company of my benefit generated from that issue. Thank you for your kind attention! Best regards, XXX 2008-09-26 09:54:15 補充: headline revised as: Re: Application for the consent of a part time job|||||To: The Personnel Manager, I have been approached by ABC Production on 10 September, 2008 inviting me to participate in their production work on 29 September, 2008. As this business act may involve the receipt of an emolument, I would like to seek your apporval in this aspect and to declare my interest thereon.|||||To : Personnel Section Subsequent to the invitation by ABC Production on 10 Sept to my participation in an outside shooting job on 29 Sept, I am now seeking your permission to join the project, as it involves the comercial activities of the company and my soliciting a reward. Your early approval is appreciated. XYZ (intrepretation based on text and not word for word)|||||I am invited by ABC Production company in Sept 10thto participate into the making of the film XXX in Sept 29th, the said project is involving the commercial interest and I will be receiving rewards, As a result, I would like to formally inform the HR department in writing to apply for the permission of my involvement of this project and report my interest for this case.

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