想知代表英文 字母的.......
好想知 A - Z 例如 A = alpha B =.... C =... H = hotel 怎樣去叫這樣野呢...叫音標 or something...
A = alpha B = beta These are letters of Greece. Normally people uses these A, B, C, etc. to explain clearly the letter they want to say. For example if you receive a phone call from Mr. AB and he asks you to write down his name, he may say : My name is A for alpha, B for beta. This kind of usage is even more common in the fields that need accuracy of the words. But H = Hotel is not a Greece letter. It is as I mentioned above, a clearer explanation of the letter you want to say. In fact nowadays people will use more simple words to do this , such as : A for apple B for boy C for Charlie D for Dog And when they say this, they often say it in the following ways : The pronouciation is : apple boy charlie dog, ABCD