What is a line spectrum ???
What is a line spectrum ??? In terms of the waves emitted, what is meant by a monochromatic source ????
Line spectrum is an experiment showing that the energy levels of an atom are discrete and for each transition of electrons between any levels has a definite frequency of radiation associated. The most common examples are emission and absorption spectra of hydrogen atom. In the experiment, atomized hydrogen is injected into a discharge tube under an extremely low pressure (about 0.1 mm of Hg) and a high voltage is applied across the tube so that electrons of the hydrogen atoms have chance to be excited. As soon as they are excited they will fall back to the original energy level (ground state) in which radiation in form of photos is emitted. The frequencies of the photos are of some definite value according to the energy level difference. A monochromatic source is known as 單色光源 in Chinese. So to speak, such source emits radiation of one frequency only as colour of light is related to its frequency. One example is the sodium lamp.
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